In-depth study with Lino Miele
This in-depth course is designed for dedicated students of Astanga Yoga, who have already attended numerous workshops and retreats with Lino Miele.
Students must have a solid yoga practice and wish to acquire a more profound understanding of the Astanga method.
The course is built up with guided classes, self practice and theory.
Students will be taught the Vinyasa system, how to lead a guided class.
Safe adjustments for the teacher and the students will be shown, covering the complete Primary series.
The course will also include pranayama, meditation and relaxation.
Successful completion of the course will be honoured with diploma recognised by the Astanga Yoga Research Institute
Requirements for Application
At least 2 years of daily Astanga Yoga pratice.
A minimum of 1 workshop in Kovalam.
The student must be a strict vegetarian (no fish or meat).
The student must not use any recreational drugs (this includes alcohol, cigarettes and pharmaceuticals).
A reasonable level of conversational English, the course will be conducted in English.